Monday, March 15, 2010

Cute Tattoo Art With Tattoos Art Typically New Danger Tattoo Designs Photos

Cute Tattoo Art With Tattoos Art Typically New Danger Tattoo Designs Photos

We have often encountered by our results sacked body art on a limb attached to people around us. At least, this view of the owner of the tattoo world closer to violence and crime during this shift. The tattoo looked at as part of the beauty and the elements to show the identity of the owner. His lover, the more spread out as far as celebrity circles, the sportsman, young executives, teenagers, and households. Especially beloved by teenagers, and even progress so quickly. Based on a survey in the United States conducted in the last two years, approximately 36% of youths (aged 14 years) in this country, is now almost certain, that a tattoo on his character from the idols, flowers, and various other ornaments.

Cute Tattoo Art With Tattoos Art Typically New Danger Tattoo Designs Photos
But, clearly, there is a phenomenon that turned the accompanying increase in the number of the owner of this tattoo. This can be examined from the results of a recent survey at the end of last year. In this survey revealed that of about 10 million people are tattooed, among them, even clearly intended to remove the tattoo. Many reasons brought up by them. Starting from when it became difficult to find a job to feel bored. Moreover not a few of her saying sorry. It may be that this can be a lesson for those who want to start having this tattoo. Many of the reasons they want to change direction, removed tattoo body art on her body. Many of those who regret, and some that say that the tattoo is also a negative impact on health. Some for example, as experienced by Karl Fredrik Ljungberg, great football player who currently plays for West Ham club. He is often given a break just because it is often attacked by headaches (the migraine) was suddenly and without cause. Unfortunately, too, in the head a headache that can last for two weeks.

Cute Tattoo Art With Tattoos Art Typically New Danger Tattoo Designs Photos
for a long time team physician for the confusion this causes migraine headaches. They need time off from year to track the disease idols. Initially, the team physician should have the dizziness in that Ljungberg heads for cancer. But, after a lengthy review process, finally (in May 2005) also detected the perpetrators: because the toxins that come from ink tattoo on his body. Be right for most celebrity world, as well as carried out by Ljungberg. He sacked him with two pictures panther (panther), respectively on the right abdomen and back. According to doctors who examined it, Ljungberg was allergic to tattoo ink. And this cause allergic reactions in the lymph tissue that is available in the waist, causing inflammation of the nerve tissue. This affected nerve indicates that it triggers a migraine.

Real danger also sacked, sacked those who enjoy the body of a high-risk attack by various diseases. Sacked also meant to hurt the body. From this wound he usually many candidates entering the body of disease. Besides feeling the pain was felt from the beginning, when the tattoo needle started poking dirajah body parts. Often, wounds caused by her then cause irritation so as to have the opportunity to become infected. If you like that incident, the "victim" will have a fever with a high temperature. With conditions like that is weak, the vulnerable body would be attacked by the potential of disease.

Cute Tattoo Art With Tattoos Art Typically New Danger Tattoo Designs Photos
So is the problem with tattoo ink. Generally a lot swirling in the market, the ink is made from chemicals that should be grouped in a heavy metal elements, such as arsenic, mercury, silver, gold, and bismuth, which is harmful to health. This is another problem with tattoo ink used by some natives in the countryside. Because that is made from plant materials, inks tend to be more secure. Better eliminate principle, to remove the tattoos, the skin layer should terajah chipped or burned. Thus, the most recent techniques have taken interest in him is with a laser beam (Q-switched laser), which in Indonesia began to be known since 1990. The advantages of this method does not cause pain. Which allows for prior to the lighting, the patient will need local anesthesia. In addition, the results could then be maximal, ie tattoo can be eliminated altogether ..

if only a shortage, it is no small cost. For most measurements, the cost is considered to be very expensive. Just to remove a tattoo the size of a credit card, the minimum required by USD 50 million-still far more expensive than the cost for the sacked him in the range of USD 5 million and Rp 10 million. Imagine, how much it costs to be discharged to remove tattoos that are available in the entire body? In medicine, sacked the body is defined as intentional action potential irregularities in the skin. Besides being a tattoo, irregularities in the skin can also be caused by excessive shock from the sun, the influence of drugs, and influenced by the chemical. And the principle, the more surface area is tattooed body, it will be the greater his risk of interference.

with a tattoo, because it feels more powerful or beautiful, it might encourage someone to be more confident. But, if given the bad effects, this one hobby into a very frightening.

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